07912 642 236
07912 642 236
07912 642 236
07912 642 236
07912 642 236
10 Hats Workshop Tri-Series
Why we developed this consultancy service?
As a business owner do you find you're wearing too many hats?
Do you have clearly defined departments and functions within your organisation?
Does every team member have clarity about their role and responsibilities?
Do you have job descriptions for every role in your organisation?
Would you like to form a support network with non-competing businesses?
In order for a business to run effectively and efficiently, there needs to be a clear Organisation Chart which visually defines departments, functions, roles, and responsibilities. Not only for the current structure, but also for one that is scalable for future growth.
This three-part workshop series will assist you to construct your own Organisation Chart, giving you clarity of the key functions within your business and who has responsibility for them. An updated Organisation Chart will allow your business to be more sustainable, scalable, and ultimately, saleable. We'll also help you create job descriptions for key roles within your business and develop an implementation plan to roll out your new structure.
Who should use this service?
If the number of tasks you’re trying to complete leaves you feeling overstretched, or you have team members who could be supporting you more, then we recommend this service.
It’s an opportunity for you to define who should be doing what to improve efficiency and give you more time to concentrate on your key activities and achieve your desired lifestyle.
What is involved?
The 10 Hats Workshop Tri-series consists of three half-day workshops with non-competing businesses, spread across three months. At our first workshop, we'll review the principles and fundamentals of the Organisation Chart, identify the 10 departments in every business and their functions, and build the first draft of your Organisation Chart.
The following month, we'll review your draft Organisation Chart then start building the job descriptions for key roles and formulate a plan to create the job descriptions for the remaining roles in your business.
The topic for our final workshop is maximising team performance. We'll develop a plan for rolling out your new organisation structure, discuss how your structure links to your strategy, and review the process for conducting performance reviews and setting goals with your team.
Our 10 Hats Workshops Tri Series Costs £250 + vat for each workshop (10 attendees each sessIon)
The Tri series includes 3 Workshops to complete the service.
Benefits of the 10 Hats Workshop Tri-series
Clearly define the internal structure of your business
Understand the key functions within your business and who should be responsible for them
Determine ideal roles for the business as opposed to fitting roles to the people in your team
Develop a business structure that you understand
Gain clarity for your team around their roles, responsibilities, and career development opportunities
Develop a structure that will support the future plans for your business
Gain clarity on what functions can be outsourced
Increase team engagement and satisfaction by clarifying expectations
Increase efficiency and productivity in your business model
Increase your ability to make effective strategic decisions
Free up time for you to concentrate on revenue generating activities
Allow your business to be more sustainable, scalable, and ultimately, saleable
Form a support network with non-competing business owners