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Payroll & Pensions

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Payroll Services


Registering a business for PAYE

Setup your new employees

Produce periodic payslips

Annual Employer Return

Annual P60s /P45s

Annual P11Ds


Auto-Enrolment & Pension Services


For our client, we offer a complete all-round payroll service which includes;


Monthly Auto-enrolment Service

Annual Compliance Declarations

Monitor the auto-enrolment dates

Track Employees Eligibilities to ensure all mandatory requirements for the company pension are followed.



Whilst running payroll, we can also ensure your compliance with

the workplace pension and auto-enrolment duties.


We will assess your work every pay period and establish those that need to be enrolled,

have a right to opt or a right to join.


Where appropriate, we will use postponement. We will provide communications for

you to provide to your employees advising them of their options.


Where an employee decides to Opt-In, Opt-Out or ceases

their pension, we will work with your chosen pension provider to ensure this happens.


Where contributions are payable, we will liaise with the pension provider and upload employee and employer contribution data to collect the appropriate amount.


Where you require, we will trigger the Direct Debit for the payment. If you are a new business, we

will complete your Declaration of Compliance with you and, for those

established a little longer, your re-declaration of compliance every three years.


We will also liaise with the Pension Regulator and deal with any queries.


Contact us today for a free consultation.


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